Friday, July 13, 2012

AX 2012 : Delete All Transactions

    Today we will look at, How to delete all transactions from AX 2012. Previously we were using SysDatabaseTransDelete class to do the same but as of now we need to modify that class to work properly with AX 2012 due to DB changes :

We need to modify the SysDatabaseTransDelete.handletable method with the below code :

void handleTable(SysDictTable sysDictTable)
    TableGroup      tableGroup;

    if (

    if (sysDictTable && !sysDictTable.isTmp() && !sysDictTable.isMap())
        tableGroup = sysDictTable.tableGroup();

        // Handle company specific tables to be deleted
        if (sysDictTable.dataPrCompany())
                case TableGroup::Transaction:
                case TableGroup::WorksheetHeader:
                case TableGroup::WorksheetLine:
                //FIX - Support new AX2012 transaction table types
                case TableGroup::TransactionHeader:
                case TableGroup::TransactionLine:
            // Handle global tables to be deleted
                case TableGroup::Transaction:
                case TableGroup::WorksheetHeader:
                case TableGroup::WorksheetLine:
                //FIX - Support new AX2012 transaction table types
                case TableGroup::TransactionHeader:
                case TableGroup::TransactionLine:

Enjoy DAX!!!


  1. Great information as I got curious to do this.

  2. This Code didn't help to remove Budgeting Transactions

  3. Dear Reyan, what are the tables of the budgeting transactions maybe thier types are not included

  4. Jesús Junior Dynamics DeveloperJune 11, 2015 at 12:37 PM

    Could someone clear budget transactions?.. Please.. help


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