The default functionality of Microsoft Dynamics Ax 2009 does not allow to copy a quote when a quote's status is either Lost, Sent, Confirmed, or Canceled.
Today I was asked to allow the users to copy a quote when its status is Sent or Lost.
To copy a quote go to Sales Quotation Details, choose a record and then go to the header level buttons and click Function > CopyFromAll

The following are the steps to accomplish this very quick:
1- Go to the SalesQuotationTable Form > Designs > Design GroupTable> ButtonGroup:ButtonHeader> MenuButton:ButtonHeaderFunction>method>clicked:
You will see the following code:
2- Go to the definition of enableFunctionButtons method (right click > Go To Definition.
Look for the following line of code:
3- Go to the definition of the salesQuotationTableType.mayQuotationBeCopied() method, and then make the following changes:
Comment the lines in green.
Enjoy DAX!!!
The default functionality of Microsoft Dynamics Ax 2009 does not allow to copy a quote when a quote's status is either Lost, Sent, Confirmed, or Canceled.
Today I was asked to allow the users to copy a quote when its status is Sent or Lost.
To copy a quote go to Sales Quotation Details, choose a record and then go to the header level buttons and click Function > CopyFromAll

The following are the steps to accomplish this very quick:
1- Go to the SalesQuotationTable Form > Designs > Design GroupTable> ButtonGroup:ButtonHeader> MenuButton:ButtonHeaderFunction>method>clicked:
You will see the following code:
void clicked()
// Set price simulation buttons
2- Go to the definition of enableFunctionButtons method (right click > Go To Definition.
Look for the following line of code:
enableCopyAllHeaderButton = salesQuotationTableType.mayQuotationBeCopied();
ok = (//salesQuotationTable.QuotationStatus != SalesQuotationStatus::Sent &&
salesQuotationTable.QuotationStatus != SalesQuotationStatus::Confirmed &&
//salesQuotationTable.QuotationStatus != SalesQuotationStatus::Lost &&
salesQuotationTable.QuotationStatus != SalesQuotationStatus::Cancelled);
Comment the lines in green.
Enjoy DAX!!!
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