Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Deploy SSRS Reports using Code in AX 2012

Following code can be used to deploy SSRS reports in Ax 2012.
However make sure that this code runs from the client, and not as CIL (otherwise you will get run time errors)
I can run this below code as a job and works fine.
Plz Note : This code will only work in AX 2012 as in AX 2009/4.0/3.0 there were no SSRSReport Classes.

static void deploySSRSReportDemo(Args _s)
SSRSReportManager mgr=new SSRSReportManager();
SSRSReportConceptNode node=new SSRSReportConceptNode();
node=TreeNode::findNode(@"\\SSRS Reports\Reports\SalesInvoice");

Enjoy DAX!!!

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