Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Managers hold the key to hybrid onboarding

Managers are at the forefront of making hybrid work, work. To do so, they need organizational and technological support to play this key role in fostering well-being, sustaining performance, and cultivating belonging in your organization. Previously, organizations could count on a full onboarding system, where many people contributed to the onboarding success of a new employee. In a hybrid environment, “the full-service concierge” is now your manager. Learn more about how digital employee experience platforms like Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Viva can empower your managers to lead the shift.


Custom Air Products & Services manage HVAC manufacturing process using the Power Platform

Custom Air Products and Services is an HVAC company that needed a customized solution to track the entire lifecycle of units from “cradle-to-crate.” Microsoft Power Platform had the tools they needed to fully digitize without expensive custom software. Read here to learn how the Power Platform transformed their business across 30+ usage needs.


The Cloud PC is the New Road to Virtual Desktops

According to Forbes, the Covid era has emphasized just how vulnerable we all are to massive business disruption. That, and the global transition to hybrid and work-from-anywhere work have changed the game. VDI is no longer the standard for modern workforces. It’s time to move to Cloud PCs for in-office, completely remote, or hybrid models. Read more.